We know how stressful travelling can be, so why not let us take some of the hassle away with our Park Stay & Go hotel packages.
Combine a 1 night stay and up to 7 nights of complimentary parking included*.
How to Book
Step 1: Select a location and the date of the 1-night accommodation required for your stay.
Step 2: Select the package.
- Park & Go 4-Day = 1-4 nights of parking
- Park & Go 7-Day = 5-7 nights of parking
*Any additional days parking will be charged at the applicable rate.
- 5 or More Nights Accommodations
- Cape Cod Self-Guided Driving Audio Tour 10.00
- Tickets to Hyannis Harbor Cruise
- Tickets for the Ferry to Martha's Vineyard
- Tickets for the Whale Watch Cruise
- Breakfast Included Every Morning
- Deluxe S'mores Kit in your room
All Inclusive Golf Packages
Coming Soon - Customized Golf Packages including overnight stays at the Sunbird Cape Cod Resort, complimentary continental breakfast, rounds of golf with power carts at some of the best Cape Cod Golf Courses. Special Rates for Groups! Please email or call for details.
Some of Cape Cod Golf Courses Included:
Bass River Golf Course
Bayberry Hills
Blue Rock Golf Course
Cape Cod Country Club
Captain’s Port Course
Captain’s Starboard Course
Cranberry Valley Golf Course
Dennis Highlands Golf Course
Dennis Pines Golf Course
Hyannis Golf Club
Holly Ridge
Olde Barnstable Fairgrounds
Twin Brooks Golf Course
Address: 40 Mt Hood Rd,
Boston, MA 02135, USA